Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Traveling Alone...Sort of!

September 8th

Well, it was great fun to see Kathy and Diane and to explore Burgundy with them! But all good things must come to an end....They left for Switzerland Sunday morning. I ran back into the Montbard Foire, as my earrings didn't close properly. The woman in the booth quickly gave me a pair that did work! It was home to do laundry and regroup! What I would do now that my "playmates" had left!? I did know, however, that our daily trips to the Super U would stop!

Luckily, thanks to the TI, I learned about a Gospel Concert in Rougemont that Sunday night. This is another wonderful old church, and the group was terrific! It was all in English, of course! Rougement -like Beurizot-is a very small town I would never have seen, except for the events the TI had published.

For the next few days, I took some walks and did some reading. The weather was not too co-operative, as it had gotten colder and rainy-MUCH colder!

I've already posted what I did for Patrimoine, which was the weekend after Kathy and Diane left.

After the 100th birthday party for Douglas Gorsline on Sunday the 15th, I went across the street to Tjetske's house, across the street from the Gorsline Museum. 
I was happy to have a chance to meet and talk with Tjetske and her friends! I invited Tjetske and her friend Sion to come for wine and supper on Tuesday night. I needed to invite them soon, as Tjetske would be going back to Holland, and Sion was taking the train to Geneva on Thursday. We had a nice visit, and I was happy to have them come over. It was cold enough that I started a fire in the (Vermont) wood stove! I had never done this before, and for a former Girl Scout, it was very lame. FINALLY it got started, and the house warmed up nicely!

One day Tjetske and I took a walk up past her house and the museum, and these are some of the pictures I took. I am still intrigued by the countryside

here! Then she gave me a tour of the house-I did not ask her how old it is-200 years?


Fireplace...still works perfectly!

One of Douglas Gorsline's studios in the house

One of his China pictures
Tjetske had to clean out much of what is in the house where the Gorslines used to live. Marie, Douglas' wife, had died the previous August; many of her things remained in the house. Sion and her friend had helped clean out a lot on Wednesday, and I offered to help Friday afternoon.  The night before, Tjetske treated me to dinner in Les Laumes at Louise's (as a thank you for my help), and I had a wonderful dinner of beef brochette! We each had a huge appetizer of three dishes of vegetables, which included medley of rice and peas, French fries, and a broccoli-potato mix.

And I found another event in the TI info in Jailly-les-Moulins for Saturday night!! It was a free concert by a local singer. I asked Tjetske if she wanted to go, and she said yes. Her artist friend Ina lives in that town, so she said she would call her and see if she would go as well! Well, it turned out that this was really a fund raiser to stop the "proposed auto-moto Villy Villeberny circuit, a length of 4 km, ...greater than that of Dijon-Prenois". (Ina knew all about it; she had been planning to go anyhow!) At the beginning, they passed out envelopes for contributions to offset the legal fees to stop this track. After the concert, there was a huge spread of quiche, bread and cheese, sausage, pizzas, and wines. It sounds like they have been successful in stopping this track! It would certainly be a terrible deterrent in this beautiful area.

Sunday morning Tjetske and her dog were off to Holland, a ten hour drive!
I certainly hope that we will meet again-perhaps in Holland??
Ina's garden

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