Friday, September 20, 2013

Local Thursday

September 5th

It was now Thursday, and our touring would be local....First, though, we stopped at the train station to buy our tickets for Friday and Dijon. It would be easier and more relaxing (at least for the driver and the passenger-navigator) to take the train! There are a variety of little roads to take, and a friendly navigator is better than the Garmin, which I often call "Vera" from "Mel's Diner" of long ago!
Semur-en-Auxois is another nearby town  "perched on a granite spur and surrounded by a hairpin turn in the River Armancon". (Lonely Planet!) First stop-now a habit-was the TI to learn about the town,  although it was really just a great "walking around" town-many interesting places and buildings to look at.
Of course, beef bourguignon and potatoes au gratin for lunch!


(Kathy went into the church; Diane and I skipped it.) 

As we three walked around the town, we briefly split up. A group of high school students came up to me and started asking me questions about where things were in the town. They were working on a school project; they showed me the sheet they were trying to fill out. OF COURSE, I didn't know the answers! It was like a scavenger hunt, as their sheet asked them to find certain places around Semur-en-Auxois. I spoke with them in my pidgin French, and I explained that I didn't know, but "bonne chance!" It was quite funny; after that I saw maybe three or four other groups of 6-8 students walking around with papers and a teacher trying to find the answers!

Students searching for answers....
Thus ended yet another interesting, relaxing day in Burgundy.
Then we headed home to prepare for our trip to Dijon the next day!

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