Thursday, September 19, 2013

...Right in "Our Own Backyard"

September 3rd

VERY close to our house is the well-maintained Chateau of Roger de Rabutin, Count de Bussy (1618-1693) with lovely gardens and grounds. This is close enough to the house that we could have-but did not-walked! This 12th century chateau was the home of the disgraced Bussy Rabutin, who was actually "imprisoned" in the chateau, after a year in the Bastille. He had taken place in an orgy during Easter week. He had the reputation of being quite the rogue.,_Comte_de_Bussy
Side view of Bussy Rabutin Chateau

Because we were so close enough to home, we went home for lunch before we went to the Abbye de Fontenay, maybe 15 km away. Founded in 1i18 and restored a century ago, this Unesco site was where Cistercian monks "lived lives of contemplation, prayer and manual labor" (LP). It also has the first metallurgical forge (1220). This was really a very wonderful place to could only envision how busy it was so long ago! In addition, there are several hiking trails nearby I might revisit, but I only have a little over a week to get there!

The Count

Just inside the Abbaye de Fontenay entrance

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