Friday, September 27, 2013

Learn how to Make Gougeres with Marie-Laure!

September 27th

This morning at 9AM, I was knocking on Marie-Laure’s door, as she had promised to show me how to make gougeres!! Her girls were happy she was going to show me, as they love them too! If you have made cream puffs, this is very similar.
She melted the butter in boiling water, then she added the flour; when it was thoroughly mixed, we added four eggs one at a time. She added the grated gruyere cheese; then the nutmeg, salt, and pepper, were added. Bake them for 25 minutes! I'm including the recipe she used that she got on-line.

She asked me to be sure to send her pictures when I make them....if you make them, I hope you will let me know!

Thanks again for traveling with me, and in this case baking!

She was all ready for me! Note her jams at the back!

You cannot see great Chateau view out her kitchen window!

She laughed at my bleach spot(javel); I spotted one on her sleeve!


1 comment:

  1. Debbie, you look so happy. Please send recipe with an English translation. Ok to keep measurements in grams. Just need to know I am measuring. How many puffs does this recipe make? Might make them for a party .
