Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sunday "Drive" Took Me to Some Chateaux!

Disclaimer: I erred when I described my meal at Marie-Laure's. She served Oeufs Meurette- poached eggs in red wine; Oeuvres means works, which it was that too!

September 22nd

Well, with the rainy days passed-for now-it was time to go do some visiting! I wanted to visit some other chateaux, so I headed to Tanley. Unfortunately I missed the tour, as I arrived at noon. This meant the next tour would be at 2:15. I was very close to Tonnerre, so I went there. Because it was Sunday, most shops and many restaurants were closed. There were few people around...almost deserted!

First I visited Fosse Diane, which
gushes 200L of water per minute; the water tint suggests how deep the water really is. That is an 18th century washing house around it. (People on Trip Advisor gave it rave reviews. I liked it but would not rave about it!)

The Hotel Dieu, where the TI had its office, was closed until 1, so I walked around until it opened!  I liked this, although VERY different from the hospital (less furnishings) we had seen in Beaune! It was founded in 1293 by Marguerite de Bourgogne, wife of Charles d'Anjou.

Ward and chapel

I got back to Tanley, a French Renaissance chateau, just in time for the 2:15 tour. (Many chateaux can only be visited it with a group tour.) The Grande Galerie is completely covered in trompe l'oeil, which totally fascinates me! Terhe were many apitingins the dining room-throughout actually-but this was the first time that I had seen a picture of Christ's circumcision. The guide gave me an English pamphlet, which was brief, but informative. He was very attentive and apologized several times, but I didn't really know why...(Because I didn't speak enough French to understand? The tour was not in English!?? I was totally fine with the status quo! In fact, after he described the living room, he asked me if I knew who was in the picture on the piano! It was an English couple, so, of course, I didn't know them!
Looking into courtyard from entrance

Chateau de Maulnes look like modern hotel as I approached.

This tower went all the way to the top; well on bottom also rare.
Very near by is the Chateau de Maulnes, which is the only chateau in France built on a pentagonal plan, buttressed by five towers, and designed only to be a hunting base! There is a golf cart which takes the tourists who can't or don't want to walk up. (I walked up because I missed the "bus" going up. I was first in line for a ride down!) This is totally under reconstruction, which was interesting. Again, the guide was very helpful and explained things to me between locations to explain what she had said. There are 25 rooms; each room has a fireplace, because it was used only during hunting season,and it would have been cold!

And that wrapped up Sunday! Because I will be off to Nice on October 1st, I want to see as many chateaux as I can. Plus I will not be driving for the rest of my time here!

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