Monday, February 24, 2014

What to Do on a Rainy Day??

Well, I had to go out to do a few errands, and since I've been a bit of a "slug", I thought why not take the bus to Cerbere? It is the end of the line very near the Spanish border, and I knew nothing about it. I had a book, in case there was nothing to do or see....The ride over was really lovely in spite of the gray day! It did remind me of Carl Sandburg's "Cats", "now in a valley, now in a height"...very much the feeling of being "on top of the world"!

And there was NOTHING there....I did, however, find a local "sports" bar to have a ham and cheese sandwich with some Olympic viewing before the  next bus back.

France allows vineyards to have small rustic building for people stay in temporarily during harvest, etc..

I took another trip to Perpignan where I had a tasty lunch with awesome chocolate cake...gateau au chocolat....pesto pasta was the entree, but this was the treat!!

There is a copy of Drawing on the Right Side on the Brain, so I have been doing those exercises, MUCH to my surprise! When I was taking high school biology, Mr. Ham, our (quite young) teacher wrote that my sketch of the paramecium was "A bit grotesque!". Maybe that was even his first teaching job!

And it is easy to be "slug-like" here in the lovely Collioure by the sea, as it is still very quiet,albeit more and more shops are re-opening. Now I will be getting on the bus several times a week and exploring. (It is similar to Sardinia when I had a car there and went exploring on the winding island roads every other day.) There is an amazing history here, and I will learn about it!! I hope you will come back and travel along!

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