Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Mini Carnevale" in Collioure and Visit to Elne

February 24th

They had a very small Carnival celebration here in Collioure in the afternoon. I came upon the end of it, so perhaps the children had paraded about in their costumes first.... In any case, it was fun to see them in the lovely sunshine with adoring parents and grandparents watching the festivities fondly.

February 25th

Taking advantage of the one euro bus ticket, I went to Elne. The Tourist Information brochure reads "27 centuries of History, Art and Humanity in Catalonia".

Exterior view of the Cathedral

This must be SPECTACULAR when the lavender is blooming!
This is a way for people to get out in case of fire in this basement museum space.

Huts, built between 2400-2000 BC, were found in the area. All description was in French, so....

These signs (and the next picture) were in the same shop window.

There are several other places I would like to visit in Elne, and I hope to return on a day when they are open!! Thanks for coming along!