Friday, February 7, 2014

Saying Good Bye to Nice....

As I was saying au revoir to Nice and the area, I took a delightful walk around Cap d'Antibes with Lana, Portia, and Jean. It looked like both the coasts in Maine as well as California!

Wednesday night, before my last pub quiz at the Blue Whale, some of us had dinner at a Franco Ethiopian restaurant called Le Soleil d"Asmara. They brought three large plates which we shared. I had never had Ethiopian food before; they served pieces of buckwheat crepes to pick up our food (chicken, beef, and pork). It tasted okay, but I really do not like to eat food like that with my fingers....

On Thursday morning my couch surfing friend Regine made an appointment with her dentist for a cleaning, and was KIND enough to drive me from the bus stop, as she thought I would have trouble finding the office. (I think she was right!) Then we met Caroline for a "Bio" lunch (all organic food) in the Port area. It was an interesting menu. I had pork with an interesting starter of broccoli veloute with a poached egg on top!
That night I met Mike, Tim, and Adrian for drinks at the
Gossip Bar in the Port.

Then we went to have a wonderful going away dinner at La P'tite Cocotte in the Old Town. My scallops were delicious....The chocolate fondant cake was SO DELICIOUS I forgot to take a picture!!

The next morning I was off to Collioure, two hours from Barcelona, for the next two months. It would be very different from all that Nice had to offer, but it would be interesting....It is an active summer community in July and August and much quieter during the rest of the year.

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