Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sunday in the Parc, Phoenix, That Is!

November 17th

It was the usual spectacular day in Nice-did I tell you how many people have told me they stay here for the weather? For the first time I walked (the four + miles) along the Promenade to Parc Phoenix with flora and fauna and even minerals (this Saturday and Sunday only). It was quite warm as I walked along and enjoyed the activity along the Promenade-cyclists, skate-boarders, etc.
I met Andy and his wife Rosemary and Whit. Rosemary has recently arrived from the US, where she had been working as a costume seamstress at Renaissance faires (including King Richard's in Carver, MA). Andy had organized our walk to Puget-Theniers several weeks ago.
http://www.parc-phoenix.org/ is seven hectares (17.297 acres to be EXACT!!) It is right next door to an Asian museum for another time! It features water fountains with interesting sculptures as well as displays of birds, fish, some animals, turtles, and plants.

Grue Royales


We wondered if this were real-but figured it had to be!

I just googled Red Starfish and got this https://www.google.com/search?q=red+starfish&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=a5CLUvuLMKa27Qb69ID4Cg&sqi=2&ved=0CCkQsAQ&biw=1195&bih=624
So it was a real starfish!

It was an interesting visit, and I look forward to returning to visit both the Parc and the Asian museum!

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