Wednesday, November 27, 2013

And THIS is Clafouti!!

Well, luckily I had had clafouti back in Burgundy when I ate lunch/dinner in Montbard near Buffon's forge! So I knew how good it is! Actually I have a similar recipe from "down home" in Newfoundland, which is called frump. It can be made with any kind of fruit. In this case Soline had some apricots and cherries in the freezer which were the base for this dessert which is very popular in the Faucher household! She told me the story of a son-in-law who arrived for a weekend visit and walked into the kitchen asking, "Where is the clafouti?" She usually had it ready for her visitors!
4 eggs          1 c. Flour               1 c. sugar                3 c. milk      2+ T.  butter                   dash of salt

ANY Fruit of your choice
(We used mixture of cherries with pits and apricots; Soline told me that cherries with pits in them have better flavor!)

Mix all the ingredients in the food processor, and pour over fruit on the bottom of the pan!
30 minutes at 392* (200* celsius)

As you can see, we used a good-sized pan, and it did not last long at all! It would probably be quite tasty with ice cream or whipped cream, but DELICIOUS warm just from the oven plain!

Julia Child's clafouti recipe is at


  1. Oh, Down Home! Can it be made with berries b/c it sounds delicious. And basic, too!

  2. Made with any fruit...frump is cakier than this is.....
