Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Typical Day in My Ever-changing Life in Nice

Well, now it is back to the day to day life here at the Cote d'Azur.... What do I do?
Well, I am trying to do some sort of a decent walk
daily. And each time I go out, I see some totally
different things from the day before!
Yesterday I walked through the wonderful park just as the fountains went off. It was delightful choreography; they alternated high and low and was fun to watch!

Farther on towards the sea, they were watering the plants in the brilliant day. While it cools off at night, the days still can get up into the high 60's.
People watching, of course, is wonderful here with so many tourists as well as the many people who live here!

One day last week I spotted a man writing on the
beach using rocks an inan incredibly elaborate
message about peace in French and English!
I have revisited it several times, and it remains as
Part of his display....
of yesterday, November 16th.

Walking through the town and the Old Town also gives me ever-changing fun things to see, such as this musical decoration!

Of course, the Christmas decorations are starting to go up...They are not lit yet, but look promising.
Speaking of Christmas, I thought it would be fun to go to Paris before December 25th to see what Paris looks like for the holidays! En route to the train station the other day to buy my ticket, I finally went into the Theatre de la Photographie et de l'image

There was a show featuring the photography of Marie-Laure de Decker, which included her time in Vietnam and South Africa. It was very interesting, and I was glad that I finally visited it!

Now you have an idea of what I am doing here in Nice! Thanks for traveling with me!


  1. Ooooh, Christmaaassss.... Sniff sniff.

    1. Hi Sasa!! There WILL be other, better-timed Christmases! xoxo
