Wednesday, November 20, 2013

...Do you Remember Carol in "Paris, Je t'aime"?

Now, if you did not see this movie, you can look at the clip....But before you do, let me say that I think I am like Carol, the Denver letter carrier, only in my wandering around....I don't think much else relates...and actually my "wandering" is really more focused (ie. I know where I am going),

However, that being said, I do think of her as I walk around Nice. Like her, I AM DELIGHTED TO BE HERE!! 
Yesterday I walked to the Palais de Mediteranee to met Kim Defforge. On my way, I, as I always do, when I can, walked through the Pavillion. They have some wonderful old pictures of Nice on display which showed the BEFORE! 
How grand this must have been in its day. Now in its place, we only have this...
I had "found" Kim on-line through her blog. She is now married to a French man, so she is both French and American. I read her book, Solitary Desire-One Woman's Journey to France, and was intrigued to hear more! Of course, she knows so many great spots around Nice, so we had lunch at a great little Lebanese  restaurant nearby. She lives in Cagne-sur-Mer, so hopefully I will see her again there and also visit the Renoir museum! (Gosh! My time is getting short here!)
On my way home, I wanted to see how the Peace Statement was holding up! I also wanted to see if I could talk with the man behind it! His name is Dahmane-Zitouni. (This was how he wrote it, but I think that he is called Zitouni, as he explained it.) Unfortunately he doesn't speak much French, but he appreciated my "stopping by". (He was fishing when I stopped.) I am hoping that maybe someone will go with me who speaks more than Pidgin French!! He now has a small pup tent up against the seawall; hopefully it will be able to last a long time! He did say, "Only peace, no war."

Tomorrow morning I am flying to Clermont Ferrand to spend the week with Soline and Jean Jacques, whom I had met in August. They are (my tenant) Aline's parents. When I met Soline in August, she had suggested I return so she could teach me French cooking, and I could help her with her (very good) English!
So I will have a private tutorial! I am looking forward to see what recipes I will add to my small collections of French foods; they are crepes (duh!), daub, and gougeres!
Thank you again for traveling along. I'll share my cooking lessons with you!

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