Thursday, May 8, 2014

On to Amsterdam and Rotterdam

I had a night at the Amsterdam Schipol Airport (yeah with points!), and then I took the train to Rotterdam to visit Yolanda, a new Couch Surfer, so I was her first guest. She actually lives outside of the actual city, and rarely goes there, so we stayed in her neighborhood. (We had toured the city on the barge trip, so that was fine.) It was a good chance to rest up before I got into Amsterdam!
We did take a delightful walk so I did get to enjoy some of the area around.

This means you can't do something without a permit; the effing part made me chuckle!

Yolanda on our walk

Small petting zoo loved by the kids!

TOO pretty not to do the close-up!!
We did take a delightful walk so I did get to enjoy some of the area around.

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