Thursday, May 8, 2014

Joanna and Janey Come to Visit!

Walking into Sintra
Joanna, a new friend from Nice by way of Cornwall (you have heard about her before!), and her friend Janey from New Zealand came to spend three nights with me in Graca. (Joanna had been here before, as her daughter Bethany is teaching English in Lisbon.)
They arrived on April 29th, and we all had a delicious dinner at a neighborhood beef (primarily) restaurant recommended by the flat owner. Claudia, who was returning to Brazil the next day, did join us also! We were all to meet at 7, but I didn't see Joanna and Janey when they arrived at the Metro stop, and they went to the restaurant anyhow. I waited until 8 and went (starving!) to the restaurant. Luckily I had made reservations, and there they were! While they were getting concerned as to my whereabouts, they had ordered! ! It was funny!

On Wednesday Isobel had invited us to go to Sintra; Joanna had met her before, and had introduced us. Isobel brought along Carmo, a teacher friend, to join our field trip! Sintra is very close to Lisbon, a 45 minute car trip, and a popular destination for tourists. It was very crowded, so we really just walked around and did not visit any of the tourist sights. We walked by an interesting sculpture exhibit, as we went into the town.

NOT part of the exhibit, but interesting nonetheless!!

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(Getting there early in the morning would be a good idea for another time.) But it was fun to see it! We drove by the Pena Palace, which was the summer palace for royalty. It looked mobbed and would have wonderful views, as it overlooks the city.

It was time for lunch, and luckily Isobel knew a good-not touristy place to eat-on the way out of town. I had "Portuguese" meatballs made of pork, two vegetable choices, and mashed potatoes seasoned with nutmeg. That I had never had before and hope when I get home I remember to put nutmeg in when I make mashed potatoes!!
Then, I could not pass on the delicious looking chocolate cake (pictured below). It had chocolate mousse between the two layers. Incredibly tasty. As I write this, I would like another piece!

Janey, Joanna, Isobel, Carmo

 On our way home, we went into Capo da Roca, the most eastern point in Europe. It was quite crowded and very windy and fun to see!

How is your hair? Capo da Roca

The next day we took the train to Cascais, another busy tourist town. We really just all wanted to be outside to enjoy the lovely weather. (Good thing as I sit in my wool slacks and sweater here in Rotterdam!)
Leaving the train station, I spotted these canned nuts in the vending machine (below)...add this to my list of "new" things I've spotted on this trip (and been amused by!)!!

Joanna, Janey, Bethany

Two men made this; they left a container for contributions!

After lunch we walked back to Estoril to catch the train.

Those are only ???????! Made me laugh. Too bad I could not really capture it. Usually it would show next stop.

Great signage on the train tells you of upcoming stops!!

And, well, that was three weeks and two nights in Lisbon, a very interesting city. Friday morning I took a cab to the airport, and I was off to Holland.

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