Monday, May 12, 2014

New Digs and the Hermitage Amsterdam and ....

Wednesday morning (May 7th) I took the tram and then changed (can you feel how heavy my bags are?) to go to Chantal's, my next wonderful Couch Surfing stop. We had coffee, and she suggested I go visit the Hermitage, which I had seen on the Heineken boat trip.
It was a very pleasant walk along the canal and then along the Amstel River. Expedition Silk Road, a 7,000 km and 1700 year old trade route, was the featured exhibit, and it was fascinating! Starting in 1910 the Russians found a myriad of lost treasures-paintings, silks, Buddhist sculptures, etc.

Spotted this nesting mother duck...father (above) was near by, as I walked to the Hermitage.
Unfortunately no photos were allowed.

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