Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Last Sunday in Paris...

Sunday was a fine day in Paris, and I had three-maybe four-things on my "to do" list. Pascale had given me a pass to see Cite de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine (architecture and heritage), which I had visited before and thoroughly enjoyed. She had also told me about the Sevres
Museum, which is the National Ceramics Museum, and that intrigued me from my pottery classes at the Danforth. Third, I had toyed with revisiting the American Church, after the interesting experience when I spent three weeks cat-sitting for Snagglepuss. (I went to a viewing of "Babette's Feast", and we had to bring either chocolate or wine.) There was a third flea market I thought about visiting! And in the back of my mind I also wanted to walk about the Left Bank some! I knew that this was my last day in Paris-at least for now!!
So while I started out for the flea market, I quickly scrapped that and went to the Sevres Museum.
Work by Hector Guimard
It was a quiet little museum with pottery from all periods, as well as a contemporary display with works from Germany, UK, even the US.

Some works were so big I could only imagine how huge the kilns must have been to fire them!
I especially liked a work by Robert Winokur from Philadelphia, titled "Asparagus Holds up the House".
He has done a number of these, and I wondered if it started because he knew a child who hated or loved asparagus??

Then where would I go?

It was too nice a day to be inside, and I really also wanted to revisit the Luxembourg Gardens....

I had also envisioned a pleasant lunch outside somewhere, but that became a quick ham and cheese baguette in the Luxembourg Garden overlooking the fountain, and I was off to enjoy the delightful day and a DELICIOUS gelato!!

Now perhaps you have noticed that I have been in Paris nearly two weeks with not a mention of visiting a church! I've visited Notre Dame and Sacred Coeur previously, so they weren't on my list. Thus, as I wandered past a little church almost diagonally across the way from Notre Dame, I went in for short, pleasant visit and to escape the hordes of tourists. I didn't even write down the name, but it was peaceful and cool and a place to sit, before I went back outside! 

So it is au revoir to Paris for now....Thanks for traveling with me!!

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