Friday, August 9, 2013

The Delight of Fontainebleau...

For those of you who thought I came over here with the little suitcase, as I HAD planned, I DID NOT!! The main reason I was planning to do that was because when I bought my Paris-Nice flight on Ryan Air, I did not indicate that I would be checking a bag. Well, FINALLY about 3AM one morning, I came to my senses and realized I HAD TO HAVE some more clothes. So I will pay dearly when I check in, but at least I will have more clothing than you might have envisioned. (Unfortunately when I was packing, and it was SO HOT, I did manage to forget some warmer clothing which I WILL BE NEEDING!!) I had planned all along to ask Melissa to send me some heavier clothing, since I am not staying in one place.

A rainy Wednesday kept me house-bound until the weather cleared a bit so I could walk to "upper" Suresnes for a few groceries. I am not sure why I get such a kick out of checking out different grocery stores-maybe it goes back to my days at Gillette! But I am always fascinated at the different products and systems I see-not just in France! My timing was perfect, because I was no sooner back in the house, and the heavens opened up again!
Thursday I was out early-7:45ish-to start my trek to Fontainebleau. On previous trips to Paris, I guess going there seemed too far or "complicated", so this was my first trip. The Paris public transportation system is famous for its efficiency! However, there was a point in my early morning efforts, as I was wandering around Gare Sainte Lazare station that I was reminded of Charlie on the MTA. I had taken the train from Suresnes, where I changed to a line that got me to Chatelet, where I changed to get to Gare de Lyon. Once there I had great directions from my trusty Lonely Planet book so I knew exactly where to go to buy tickets for the train to Fontainebleau. However, exactly how to get to the train departure was not too clear! I did feel like I was going around in circles-because I WAS, but finally got close....However, the sign said Voie (track) 1, but I didn't see a track 1. Well, duh, the 1 was really an I....Once I figured that out, I was on the right track (Oops-no pun intended!) The train ticket included the round trip bus ride that got us from the train station to and from Fontainebleau.
When I first bought my ticket for Fontainebleau, there were no audioguides. However, I decided to check back to see if any had been turned in, and I got one. I was off on what turned out to be a great day.
First built in 1137, various kings and queens lived at Fontainebleau as well as Napoleon and Napoleon III. After Patton and the allied forces liberated Fontainebleau in 1944, part of it served as the Allied and then NATO headquarters until 1965. It was really fascinating, and I found the entire day very interesting. (One interesting bit of trivia- people used the term "powder room", because originally they used  powder to cover what bodily smells one can only imagine!)
There were some tour groups, but it didn't seem too crowded; temperature was perfect as well! Before I left, I walked around some of the four ornate gardens.
 (I had some technical "difficulties", as my camera battery didn't last very long, so most of my pictures are on the Blackberry, which I am having trouble downloading.)
Fontainebleau is in a very pleasant little town, but when I found the restaurant recommended in Lonely Planet, it had just closed. Lest you think I skipped a meal, I did find a ham and cheese special to keep myself going for the trip back to Paris! It was a thoroughly enjoyable day! 

Napoleon's Vest

Napoleon's Shoes (if you cannot read the plate)


  1. Hi, love your blog.
    Just a quick question? You are staying in Suresnes with Pascal?
    Traveling is so hard. You have the right sense oh humor for it.

    1. Debbie,
      Still trying to figure out how to respond to your blog.

  2. Hi Harry..Thanks~I got your comments, so your response worked. It is not user-friendly, but all anyone has to do it click on (in this case) 2 comments (if none, I think it just says COMMENTS before the drop down box opens)..AND I LOVE PEOPLE TO COMMENT!!! It makes it feel like you are traveling with me! (Waiting to have you and Anne visit!!)
    Pascale and I will go to Auvergne on Tuesday to stay with her father until Saturday. Short two weeks in Paris!!
