Thursday, October 3, 2013

Landed in Nice

October 1st

Train to Paris and then to Nice....LOVE train trips!!
At the Gare de Lyon train station!!

Killing time waiting for train to Nice

It was fun to watch the scenery change, and when we got to the coast, we had wonderful views of the ocean and swimmers! There was a woman artist and a couple sitting nearby. They were all from Paris and going south for a "fortnight". The man said that the water was probably low 60*'s-too cold for me! And I was (FINALLY) in Nice. (Remember my original plan has been to stay in Nice for nine months!) I walked down to the tram stop, bought my ticket and arrived at 4 Jean Jaures Blvd.
(I had also planned to take Easyjet, but opted out of that because my bag was way too heavy to deal with their luggage restrictions.)
Balcony to flat with awnings....
Now Gloria had told me something about the elevator., but I had forgotten the specifics. Ah, selective memory, no doubt! I knew her place was on the 5th floor (and she ignored my latest email asking specifically about the elevator!) Well, the elevator IS under repair until October 18th (I can only HOPE!)....She had said that the key to her place was in the closet outside her door. Well, on my first trip I actually climbed to the 6th FLOOR!!! I knocked on a door where I heard some voices, as I could not find her flat....The poor young woman was there with her mother; she must have thought I was going to pass out by this time! She offered me a glass of water-it WAS hot besides hauling my suitcase and not-that-light carry-on up the stairs. I called Gloria as my phone had about 7% power left, and she explained what she meant by closet! Well, anyhow, I got to the 5th floor. (I still get confused that in Europe, they count the street floor as 0, while we say it is the 1st floor!) I got the key out of the closet and unlocked the door! "Welcome to Nice!"
Kathy asked if they twisted....

I did ask the repairman IF it would be finished on October 18th. Of course, he said, "Yes!" Hmmmm....

So two days later, I am learning my way around the Old Town, where there is a  fascinating mixture of clothing and food (both grocery stores and restaurants) and souvenirs.
Visiting the beach is great fun; sometimes there are some "brave souls" swimming....

This weekend to add to the excitement which is this city, Nice is hosting the Extreme Sailing Series, so the added activity will be fun to watch!

This is the perfect place to walk and walk and walk...Nice is a mix of parks and Florida high rises and art deco and whimsey

and plenty to do! When my friends arrive later in the month and in early November, we will have much to see and explore....
Thanks for traveling along!

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