Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Final Details AND-FINALLY-Departure!!

...and the evolving dream continues. It has been a pretty wild month or so….

My house has been rented to a Brandeis grad student coming from France! Aline arrives 8/21; her husband Olivier will be arriving several days later with Paolo (6), Avril (4), and Andy (1). The location, of course, is perfect, as my house is 1.4 miles from the Brandeis entrance. The street? “NOT so much!”

Aline and I first spoke one Sunday afternoon maybe six weeks ago. That night, her friend Joanne, who lives about a mile away, came to see the house. She told Aline that the house was fine (great?), but there are no sidewalks and definitely not a neighborhood! And because route 128 is across the street, the yard is noisy, but the house is not, and that always surprises people.

When the price had dropped, she emailed me and said that now they could maybe buy another car, and the house would work for them. We went through the traditional process-application, talk with their references, complete and sign the lease, arrange for the various checks like first and last month’s rent complicated by the challenge of them having to send money from France to my bank!

The emails were flying back and forth! Paolo will be in first grade; both Aline and I had to communicate with the school department. I needed to have a form notarized proving that I the landlord was renting to them. Aline will meet with someone to register him when she arrives. Luckily there will be another French boy in the same class with Paolo.

Plus, as luck would have it, we will meet when I am visiting with Pascale. They have invited me to spend the night at her mother’s house in Brioude on August 17th!

In the process of our emails, I had told Aline that I had seen signs of children nearby (this translates to 1-1.5 miles). I also volunteered  to stop by to see if they might have possible playmates for any of Aline’s children. I met five "neighbors” whom I would not have met ! Three families do have young children, and all the mothers were most hospitable and readily gave me their contact info which I passed along to Aline. The fourth person just lives next door-but up a long driveway with prominent NO TRESPASSING SIGNS. (His house is situated up the hill, so we would normally never see each other or have occasion to talk.) No kids there! The fifth stop has the babysitter! They had literally just moved in the day before, and Isabel will be a senior and had done a lot of babysitting in Pittsburgh!

When I return, I have vowed to stop into to say hello to new people in the neighborhood.

The car?? The 2006 Ford Hybrid Escape with 89,000+ miles had to go, too. IF I had found a storage place, it would have cost me probably $100 a month. I won’t belabor the saga of the aforementioned buyer in Burlington who started at $7000; then his offer got to $6000. Time was clearly an issue, but I called Scott in Wayland at State Road Auto Body the morning before I was going to sell my car. Scott has a small car rental place ($25/day), and he ended up buying for $6300. So the Escape joined the “fleet”!

I’m now on a layover in Reykjavik en route to Paris! Ask me how happy I was to just sit at Logan after my friends Pat and Rich dropped me (earlier than I really needed at my request)!  No need to be packing or cleaning out the house…nothing to think about but the experiences before me….

Pascale met me at the Porte Maillot stop on the Airfrance bus route from Charles deGaulle Airport.
Her brother Jerome and his two kids plus a friend were packing to head home, when we arrived. She went of to work; I started the interesting process of "getting organized". (I think one of the real challenges of travel is getting a totally new system to know where all your stuff is!) I finally lay down about 3; Pascale came in at 7, and I misunderstood and thought she said she was going to work, instead of saying she had come home from work! So I thought I had slept through the night! After dinner, we watched a program about a huge party (costumes) celebrating the 400th anniversary of the Versailles. I went to be at 2 and awoke at 9; I feel somewhat oriented to the time difference. Tonight Pascale is having three friends for dinner, and that will be fun!

On a technical note...I am having trouble uploading pictures to this laptop (WIndows 8-GRRRRRRR!!) I get error message saying that Explorer has to close. Any ideas??

Check back when I can tell you about what I am seeing  and learning about Paris.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

..............Time Is Getting SHORTER!!!!

...and now there are four nights in the old homestead.......GOLLY, GOLLY GOLLY!!!!
Where to start? WOW!!!

THE VISA PROCESS!!  DONE..story to come later...However, see the emails at the bottom.....
HOUSE RENTAL....DONE...another story to come later!

Whew, so what else is there??
So, my wonderful friend Joan kindly offered to come and spend two days helping me...when she left the things to be done were things which only I can do!!!! THANKS, Joan!!

Now I am caught up in the final throes of packing and the other details so I will be out the door Monday morning for la belle France...

Do, check back in...I will be better at updating my blog.......I would love you to travel along with me!!

Envoyé : vendredi 12 juillet 2013 10:00
À :
Objet : Visa application BOS20131750004
Importance : Haute
Please advise.
Thank you,

That information is only delievered in person. Please come to the Consulate to pick up your passport

Monday - Friday 2:30-3:30

Rachel Sibley
Service des Visas
Consulat général de France à Boston
31 Saint James Avenue, Suite 750
Boston, MA 02116