Monday, June 3, 2013

Departure is Eight Weeks from Today....

Well, things are progressing on several fronts!!!
My house went into MLS for rent on May 24th. There are few rental options in Weston right now, so hopefully this will be rented soon!
I'm working on improving my French, so I took several Pimlser CD sets out of the library to practice my French. While I still feel that I do not remember many verbs and tenses, I am often surprised at what I do remember from high school, no less!!!! I may take some classes at the Alliance Francaise, while in Nice.
There is an update on my time with Pascale, whose charming home will be my first stop in August! We will go to Clermont Ferrand in Auvergne on August 14 to see her dad. On the 17th she will drive to the Pyrenees, and I will pick up a rental car to tour the area on my way to She and her friend Anne have rented this 5 bedroom home for the two weeks with various friends there at various times. I will be there from August 24-31. Pascale and I will drive back to Paris on the 31st.
On September 1st, I will meet Kathy and Diane, whom I met on my first trip to Greece with my friend Carol. Kathy met up with me in Cheltenham, when I first did a home exchange. She arrived right after there had been terrible rains and subsequent flooding. That resulted in the whole area losing its water supply for at least ten days, as there was a problem in the water treatment center in Gloucestershire. The city did provide plenty of bottled as well as potable water. However, the only showers were cold! So on the tenth day, Kathy started calling outside the area (where there was water) to see if there were a gym where we could go to take a shower! Luckily she found one!
And so it will be eight weeks from today that I leave....More to come...hope you will be traveling with me!!