Monday, May 6, 2013

.... "What WILL YOU DO?"

So many people ask me this, and I love it!! I am going to LIVE THERE! Just LIVE!! Many Americans go and spend an extended time in many foreign countries. They go with different purposes in mind. Some want to really study the language or explore their roots or any number of reasons. And, I? I will live there!!  I will go to the grocery store (people who know me know that I DO like to do that!) and go swimming in a local pool (where available) and walk and walk and walk and meet people and explore and WHATEVER HAPPENS TO COME INTO MY LIFE. For example, a friend asked me to find her grandfather's cemetery plot in Nice. I have already signed up for the Nice Meetups, which I hope will be one way to meet new people. I've been looking on for people I can meet for coffee or a a meal. Of course, I will do some sight-seeing.
WHERE will I be? The original plan to be in Nice for nine months eventually was reduced to four months. In August I will be staying with Pascale, whom I also met through a home exchange website. She lives in Suresnes, which is very near Paris, so I can take the bus to explore Paris, and see how closed it really is! (Many French take all of August off for their annual vacation.) September I will be in Bussy Le Grand in Burgundy, where I've rented a wonderful house I found on I will be in Nice from October through the end of January at the afore-mentioned place which my friend Gloria rents. February and March I will be in Collioure, which is two hour train trip from Barcelona. April will find me in Lisbon for three weeks and then to Madeira for a week. Where I will stay for the rest of my time, I'll figure out once I am over there....(I think that my far-ahead planning is too far ahead for some people!)
So for the next twelve weeks, I will be taking care of the last minute details: car, mail, bills, wrapping up any real estate matters, etc. I will be reporting on my activities more often in this blog when I am gone, although that will depend on internet access! Hope you will come along with me!!