Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"The dream in progress...."

Anyone who knows me knows at least three things about me. I love to travel; I am an avowed Francophile; for quite some time, I have wanted to live abroad for an extended period of time. On February 27, 2012, I emailed my friend Gloria, who lives in Alessandria, Italy. We first “met”, when she had her place in Genoa listed on a home exchange website.
".…Perhaps you remember me saying how I would love to come live in France for a year one of these years? Perhaps not? In any case, I was wondering if you would consider renting me your Nice, France, place at 4 Boulevard Jean Jaurès, for the school year and what it might cost. It would not be until the year after next anyhow… commitment not to leave the US for 2 years (from when I had last returned in 2011), you know!! I am talking about 2013-2014…Your location is so great, and I could take buses and trains to get around without worrying about needing a car!! If it doesn’t work, not to worry…it is a dream in progress." (At that time, Gloria rented to college students, which is why I asked to rent for the school year. She has since found I couched my request in case Gloria was underwhelmed by the prospect! She has a lovely, newly renovated two bedroom apartment in Nice very close to the Old Town. 
She responded the next day, "I will be happy if you stay there from September 2013 anyway, but, probably I'll 'disturb' you in summer."
....This trip has been a long time in the planning stages....Actually I had wanted my 2010 trip to last for a year rather than three months....

So on July 29th-fourteen weeks from next Monday-and YES, I am counting, I will fly to Paris. I bought a one-way ticket, and I am totally optimistic that I will be gone for at least a year  At this time my housing is set through April 2014! There are a myriad of details to address and scratch off the To Do list!!

Of course, I will miss my family and friends!! I DO HOPE they will come visit! But as Kermit said on the poster, "LIVE YOUR DREAMS"!!!!